#to the point where he knows what happened in the True Lab and keeps it a secret for her sake
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angelbitezzz · 10 months ago
Sans holding the tiniest lizard you’ve ever seen (that can be perceived with the naked eye)
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I think often about how many characters keep mentioning how little Alphys is HEHEH
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Hi, I was wondering if you could do a Diasomnia and Scarabia x Reader, where after an accident causes Reader to lose their memory, The character in this scenario must help them remember their love story?
I do this now for Sebek and Malleus
Kalim and Lilia are here (coming soon)
Jamil and Silver are here (coming soon)
Sebek Zigvolt
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It would be really hard to hear that you had an alchemy accident in class and that you had lost consciousness because of it.
Sebek was certainly not happy about this.
He won't meet you until a couple of hours after you regain consciousness.
Although you will definitely hear his voice before that.
Poor Crowley who has to listen to Sebek talk about incompetent security measures.
Also poor person who acted as your lab partner.
Sebek would surely blame them for what happened.
The crocodile would be really upset.
Although your beginning together was difficult, Sebek cares for you a lot.
Sebek would be happy when you wake up but really worried when you can't remember anything.
Someone should calm him down so he doesn't get too loud again.
After that, Sebek would do his best to make you remember him again.
First, Sebek would make sure you were okay, he would bring you food and take you to places where you spent a lot of time.
It could take a while here, but Sebek is sure that your memories will return with time.
Malleus Draconia
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Cursed be the alchemy class and the accidents it causes.
Malleus really just wants to burn the entire alchemy class.
However, as Lilia says this might scare you.
Malleus really doesn't want you to be afraid of him.
You are one of the people who doesn't and Malleus wants to keep it that way.
Of course, everything can be difficult for you at first.
You don't remember anything and suddenly a two-meter-tall fae comes to tell you that you are basically engaged.
Malleus tries to treat you normally.
However, when you are weak his dragon side becomes really overprotective.
At one point it feels like the Malleus is following you everywhere.
The worst thing about all this is that Malleus doesn't know how long this will last.
Believe that Malleus did everything to find out about this.
However, he does not give up.
When you get better, Malleus would take you to the place where you met for the first time.
Maybe that would jog your memory.
You two spend a lot of time in places that are important to you.
However, if this doesn't work, you'd have to come up with some other options.
Maybe true love's kiss could heal you?
A really good cure and not just an excuse for Malleus to kiss you again ;)
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sweetimpurity · 4 months ago
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💓 day 25!! we're reaching the end! almost spooky day! cw: violence and blood, the boys are fighting over you wc: 2.4k
question: what's better than having two boyfriends? answer: both of them being Miguel O'hara enjoy!
please read parts one, two and three or else this part will not make sense hehe
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
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Earth 546
A smash of glass sounds from the living room brings your attention from his lips to the door. A small smack of your lips disconnecting from his and you look to see what that just was. But Mig brings you right back, holding your face in his hands and forcing your lips back onto his. Forcing your lips apart with his tongue as if he’s desperate. He’s just desperate for these last few moments with you. In this fantasy he always dreamt of. Before reality walks through the kitchen door. 
“Y/n…” You hear Miguel’s voice. But how can you when his tongue is in your mouth. Gasping against his lips and your eyes flutter open. Catching view over Mig’s shoulder of Miguel standing in the kitchen doorway. And instantly you’re surprised, hands pressing to Mig’s chest and pulling from his grasp, not understanding what you’re seeing in the slightest. “What the hell-”
A seething anger roots in Mig’s chest, at the front of his mind. Looking over his shoulder and keeping his hands on your hips. You’re his now, this doesn’t change anything. 
“Hey babe…” Miguel sighs, eyes flicking between you and his variant with his hands all over you. 
“Wh- what- what the hell is going on…” Your heart beats out of your chest. Looking between them. Mirror images of each other. Except for the bruising and scratches, those are placed differently. Not understanding what’s happened or how you’re supposed to think about this. “It’s okay, baby… you’re okay, everything’s okay…” Mig hums, pulling you closer to him. 
“No… no everything is not okay. Tell her what you did.” Miguel demands, not wanting to get violent now. Not with you in the middle of it. Mig glares back at him, not daring to meet your eye. Not wanting you to see the guilt in them. “Tell her.” 
“What’s going on?” You sigh, not knowing what to think but you do know Mig is holding you so tight and secure as always. And the touch feels familiar so you lean into it. Watching the other Miguel at the door narrowing his eyes in anger. How are you supposed to figure this out? “Tell her or I will…” Miguel threatens. 
Mig turns to look down at you nestled in his arms, a guilty look on his face but all adoration in his eyes. “I love you…” He says. Making Miguel scoff at the door. “I did this for you… for us… I just want you to be happy-”
“Alright that’s enough-” Miguel sighs, stepping through the door and into the kitchen. You’re supposed to be his, you’ve been his for the past three years minus the two months you were stolen from him. 
“No! You stay away from her.” Mig growls, pulling you tighter into his chest. Your cheek pressed to his sternum, watching Miguel with wide eyes. 
“Alright, that’s how you want to do this? Babe, he kidnapped you!” Miguel shouts, pointing to Mig wrapped around you. “He took you away from me, away from your home, this guy does not love you! He’s a fucking creep, he’s insane!” 
“Hey I do love her and I’m not insane, I would never do anything to hurt her!” Mig protests, keeping you pressed to him, squished in his muscular arms. 
“I know everything you did, I saw everything, the monitors, the lab, the surveillance footage! I had to backtrack the damn portal, it took me two months to figure out where a rat like you came from and where you went to!” Miguel shouts. Mig’s eyes widening in realization that Miguel knows all about what he was doing. Watching you for months on the surveillance and picking his perfect moment to swoop in and take you for himself. 
“Fucking perv, probably jacked off to videos of you.” 
“I did not! I would never do that!” Mig rebuttals. Defending himself and at the same time he admits it’s true. “I watched you ignore her and push her aside for months! She doesn’t deserve that and all she wanted was you! A-all she wants is me!”
It dawns on you what’s happening. What’s already happened. Is the Miguel you’ve been living with, loving, not the same Miguel you spent three years with already? That’s why he’s changed. Because he’s not the same person. But you’ve been happier than ever lately. 
“Babe, come with me, I’m gonna take you home where you belong.” Miguel steps forward. You’re trying to see him as the person you’ve known all this time but your mind is all messed up. Not knowing whether to trust the Miguel telling you what to do or the Miguel holding you against his chest. The sound of his heartbeat beneath your ear. 
“You can’t just take her away, you don’t control her.” Mig says, almost making Miguel laugh out loud. “Control her? Me? You’re the one that kidnapped her and have been lying to her for two months, pretending to be someone you're not! Babe, he’s pretending to be me, I’m the one you know!” Miguel looks in your eyes, trying to get that through to you, that he’s the one you’ve spent all this time with. 
“You neglected her and manipulated her feelings!” Mig shouts across the kitchen, his arms still wrapped around you. “She shouldn’t have to beg for your time when you were supposed to be her boyfriend! That’s bottom of the barrel and the only reason you came to look for her is because she’s not there for you to fuck whenever you feel like it!” 
Miguel lunges across the room at that, growling in anger and out to kill this man. It’s beyond the point of discussion, this is getting nowhere. His fists fly and Mig tries to shield you from everything while trying to fight back. Each of them grabbing each other by the suit and wanting to rip each other to shreds. Miguel throws a punch, Mig shoves his arm out of the way, jutting his elbow back and hitting you square in the nose. 
“Owww-ah-” Your whimpers cause them to stop. It was an accident but nevertheless painful. Clutching your nose as blood instantly starts pouring down. Down the front of your face and lips. 
“Shit-” The boys instantly stop their wrestling and try to take a look at your face. 
“Baby-” “Babe…” They say at the same time, shooting a glare at one another before bringing their attention back to you. 
“Ow it really hurts…” You whine, tears in your eyes from the direct blow to your nose, making everything in your head stuffy and achy. Like a ringing in your skull it was such a powerful hit. “I’m sorry, honey…” Mig says, knowing it was his elbow that hit you accidently. 
“Now look at what you did…” Miguel sighs, his hand going to your cheek to soothe the pain. “I didn’t do it on purpose, you were gonna hit me.” Mig says in defense, unable to stop himself. He’d never do anything to bring you harm ever. Miguel rolls his eyes, knowing it’s true but not wanting to admit that it was accidental. 
“Let me get some paper towels…” Miguel says, looking around the foreign apartment kitchen to find a roll. Grabbing some and folding them up gently while Mig holds you close, trying to soothe the pain and apologizing for you getting caught in the crossfire. “Oh god… let’s get you to the bathroom, it’s getting on you…” Mig says, looking down at blood dripping down your chin, getting all over your clothes and the floor. Guiding you gently towards the bathroom.
“Pinch your nose babe… it’ll help it stop.” Miguel says, coming over with the towels and following the two of you to the bathroom down the hall. Mig nods at that suggestion, knowing that would do the trick, watching you attempt it but the pain is too much. “Is it broken?” You whimper, getting to the bathroom sink and Mig helps you to sit on top of the toilet cover, kneeling down to your level. “I don’t know baby… I don’t know…” 
“Here, love…” Miguel comes through the door with paper towels in his hand and an ice pack too from the freezer. Walking over to you and Mig reaches out to take the towel from his hand. To help you wipe up the blood. 
“I can do it.” Miguel huffs. And Mig presses his lips together in a straight line, trying to stay calm, trying to focus on you and not his urge to beat the crap out of Miguel right now. Each of them seeing the other at fault. 
“Don’t press too hard…” Mig says, watching carefully, protectively, your expression and everything as Miguel gently holds the paper towel up to your nose and your lips to wipe the blood away.  “You’re all bloody… go get her a new shirt.” Miguel says, turning to Mig with a serious expression. And Mig hesitates. Not wanting to leave you two alone. Mostly not wanting to leave you alone at all. “Fine.” He huffs, letting go of your hands and getting up to get you a fresh shirt from your shared bedroom. He steps on a few drops of blood that fell outside the door, trying not to track it all through the apartment. Eventually getting to the bedroom and searching for a t-shirt in your dresser. Grabbing a random one then heading back to the bathroom. 
He stops, stiffening when he sees you wrapped in Miguel’s arms. Your head resting on his shoulder, sniffling and holding the tissue up to your nose. A million words want to leave his lips, but ultimately his guilt shuts him up. As much as he hates Miguel, he loves you and he knows you have a connection with Miguel he can’t just erase as much as he might want to. “Here…” He hums, holding out the shirt and Miguel flinches, so caught up in holding you after all this time of searching. Looking up and nodding, grabbing the shirt from his variant’s hand. 
“Lets change your shirt, love, okay?” He pulls back, seeing the tear tracks on your cheeks from the physical, mental and emotional pain of this whole ordeal. Rubbing the tears away gently with the pad of his thumb. Mig has to stop himself from pushing Miguel out of the way and helping you himself. Crossing his arms and leaning against the bathroom counter, watching with a frown.
Miguel gently helps you pull your bloody shirt up and off, pulling it over your head and your hair falls back down around your bare shoulders. Sitting there in your bra, a sight neither one of them is unfamiliar with. “Ow ow…” You sigh, the movement making the tissue move around, pain shooting up into your skull. 
“Sorry, love…” Miguel hums, looking at your features scrunching up in pain and he can’t help himself from kissing your cheek softly. Much to Mig’s displeasure, clenching his fists under his arms. 
Miguel helps you pull your new shirt on, wrapping you up in his arms again once it’s done. And Mig’s reached his limit. “Okay let’s check on that nose, alright?” He sighs impatiently, stepping closer as you untangl from Miguel’s arms, looking up at Mig. “It might be broken, baby… we’ll have to take a look…” He says, tilting your chin up slightly to see better in the lights. The two of them crowd around your face, each trying to be the one to make the decisions. Your eyes flicking between the two of them. Are you dreaming? Maybe you hit your head and this is all a dream. Their faces mirror each other, your mind all mixed up trying to decide what to believe. 
Carefully you pull the tissue away from your nose. Thankfully the bleeding has slowed but it still hurts badly. The both of them wincing at the sight of your mangled nose. 
“Does it look horrible?” You whine. 
“Yes it does.” Miguel sighs, getting jabbed in the side by Mig’s elbow. 
“What- no it doesn’t baby… you’re gonna be okay.” He shoots Miguel a hard glare, not wanting to panic you any further. 
“Is it broken?” You whine again. 
“Yes, definitely.” Miguel speaks up, and Mig can’t handle this. 
“Are you serious? We’re trying not to freak her out!” Mig raises his voice slightly, glaring at the variant to his side. 
“I’m just being honest, she wants an honest answer, right babe?” They both look at you. Watching you nod weakly, tears in your eyes from the pain in your face. And Mig huffs. 
“Look, just everyone calm down, let’s go to the hospital and they can help you okay?” Mig declares, standing up with his hands on his hips. 
“Maybe she doesn’t want to go to the hospital.” Miguel stands up too, the two of them glaring in a standoff. Exactly the same height, everything about them is so exactly the same it’s sort of scary. “I do want to go to the hospital.” You sigh, dabbing your hurting nose. And Mig smirks in victory because at least he won this one. “See?”
“Alright well let’s go then.” Miguel huffs, shaking his head and moving to take your hands before Mig gets the chance, helping you up from where you were sitting. Mig can only sigh and watch. Not wanting to make this situation any more horrible for you. Leaving the bathroom and walking ahead of you two. Making sure you’re walking okay and you’re not dizzy or anything. He grabs a few things, his wallet and phone, your phone too. All while Miguel helps you get to the front door to leave. 
Mig grabs the keys, following you and Miguel out, unlocking the car. 
“You drive.” Miguel says, helping you get into the backseat and moving to climb in beside you. Mig panics. “No, you drive and I’ll sit with her.” 
“It’s your car, dumbass…” Miguel scoffs, rolling his eyes. “Yeah well-” Mig starts, cut off by the slam of the back door, watching Miguel cozy up to you in the backseat. His fists clench, walking around the car and getting in the driver's seat. Starting up the engine. Glaring in the rearview mirror to see Miguel guiding your head to lay on his shoulder. Pressing a kiss to your hairline. It’s all so frustrating. He clenches the steering wheel tightly, pulling away from the apartment. It’s going to be a long night. 
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Taglist!! love my sweeties!
@slushycoookie @xxyaoi-nationxx @snails-doodles22 @scaryplanetdestroyer @fate13
@divorcepaperz @yeahnohoneybye @zaunsin @tomalymme @drefear
@mrs-pondwater19 @saintdiior @aphinthestars @hyjionie
@palomanh @maxad99 @muuuwoppppp @reader-1290
@sp0ck136 @lazyninjaphilosopher
@pinkdizzyship @opalwitchart
if you'd like to be added/dropped from the taglist, please comment on my masterlist post. Or else I might not see it! thank you! 🩷
plus those who requested a part 2+:
@d3stin7 @laysmt @yougavemeyourheartyouknow @marshhbs
@twwcs @resident-clown @haveclayeveryday
@fullmetal-spiderling @grumpyahjumma
@lxverrings @lazyjellyfish300
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riskyraiker · 1 year ago
So I saw your requests were open and that you do both x men and tfp, leading to me wondering how would the team prime and the cons react to a mutant reader? And could readers mutant ability be like Johny Storm from Fantastic 4? (Keep up the good work 👍)
LOVE IT! ALSO YOU GET EXTRA POINTS FOR MIXING UP TFP AND X-MEN. I wrote this as platonic. Let me know if you want any romantic version
How did you end up like this? No one knows, but they don't even know you're like this. Ecxept Miko, Raf and Jack, since you know that they're friends with huge fraggin robots. When you met the bots it wasn't the best situation, because you were enraged about the events that happened at home that day. Almost engulfed in flames you calm down when you spot Miko talk to a bit bulky bot behind an abandonded building. You saw the bots which resulted in you being brought to the base. You were amazed that you could forget the sorrow you have for being different. You grew close with the team really quick, even Ratchet took a liking to you. The moment the team sees your ability for the first time was when they were cornered by cons in a energon mine. Since there was no backup at the moment you ran out and light yourself up. At first the autobots thought you were an alien or something, but when they realize it's you they didn't believe it at first. The vehicons weren't so lucky since you almost melted some of their limbs. Once the fight was done they just stared at you. "Uhh..guys? Does anyone have some spare clothes?"
Optimus Prime
He would be confused. Like literally confused which is rare, but still you managed to achieve it.
You're human and fire should hurt you. How do you light yourself on fire?!
The moment you tell them that you're a mutant and your not the only one they start to do some research on these so called "mutants"
He would ask you what you can do and what your abilities are.
Doesn't like the idea of having you on the battlefield even if it means that the autobots have the upperhand
You're now his child. No objections.
The team needs help? You're there to melt them down and that earns you a big lecture from Optimus about how they can't risk human lives.
If he's wounded you would melt the metal gently and repair it.
Since he's made of metal some of his plating might be cold. So he absolutely loves how you work like an furnace.
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Almost freaked out by your abilities.
The moment he gets to know about your so called mutation he turns into a fragging scientist. Blood samples, dna samples and etc.
Anytime there's any need for repairs he just picks you up and points where repair is needed.
"Fix it, you're smaller, steadier and you're hot"
He wouldn't realize his mistake until you laugh straight into his face "what's so funny? Wha- NO NOT LIKE THAT"
He would love your help in the medbay since you can mold wounds.
Your now his favorite assistant in medbay and in the lab
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He thinks you're so awesome! A human who can light themselves on fire with no harm?!
He would ask you to fly or use any other abilities out or nowhere because he wants to see you as your true self
If you could understand him he would straight up just rant how cool you are. He also gave you a nickname which is Firefly
He loves giving you hugs since you're so warm.
He's in trouble? They're melted before he can even ask for backup
He's your big bro now and Raf your lil bro. You're the best sibling duo there is.
On cold nights he would just keep you on his shoulder so he could feel your warmth close to his face so he can relax
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Oh she would be speechless. You can melt vehicons, fly somehow and just in general use your abilities
You're now her favorite human (BYE JACK)
She would love to watch you make fireshows
Your warmth would comfort her since she's lonely sometimes
She would call you as backup anytime the team is struggling
✨The sassy team✨
Oh you two would be unstoppable. Cybertronian femme whose sassy and a mutant who is also sassy.
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Oh he would take you for a drive to ask you all kind of questions
First he thought the cons lit you on fire and panicked
After that he wants to see your abilities. That includes you having clothes on (of course🤨)
He would be so interested, but terrified about your ability to melt cybertronians
He's a wrecker! Of course your abilities will be useful.
He wouldn't like the idea of you in the battlefield, but still is amazed how well you handle it.
The big chunky guy is usually warm but won't mind some extra warmth from your body in the colder days.
He's bored? Be ready to fire up.
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Oh oh oh! You'll never hear the end of it. He's around every corner begging you to light up.
He's more chaotic than bulkhead so of course he's after you all the time and asking you to set things on fire.
Wouldn't actually mind going on patrol with you since you're so awesome
He would secretly carry you around on missions to have you melt the cons. I bet he would stare sadisticly.
But don't worry he wouldn't risk your life! If you want to stay safe he won't bother you anymore. (Maybe)
Any old enemy of his he managed to meet on earth would most likely be melted by his request to bring you along.
Ultra Magnus
He would not be happy about you breaking protocol and not staying in the base.
But he would be grateful about you saving the team
"Aaww you're worried about me" No teasing! Now you're in for a 1 hour long lecture
He would find your mutation interesting, but would let it be since he's a robot himself
He's always cold. Mentally. And! Physically so he wouldn't admit it but does love your body warmth.
"YOU'RE ON FIRE?! COOL!" Wouldn't understand that isn't normal until he's back in his senses. "YOU'RE ON FIRE! AHH PRIMUS WHY ARE YOU ON FIRE!?"
Would absolutely love your abilities even if you would be insecure about being 'different'
If you ever would kick decepticon aft he's your 1# fan in the background
He finds beauty in fire so he thinks you and your abilities are absolutely stunning
If he's scared about succeeding or about the future you would be there on his shoulder warm like an oven which calms him down
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The team were in trouble. Why? There was a surprise attack by Megatron himself. You flew through the groundbridge so you could help the team. You were almost too late as Megatron had his servo/sword up and about to strike Optimus. Hurrying you catch on to his servo and start to heat up, melting his servo in the process. "GAHH! WHAT ARE YOU!?" Megatrons sword and blaster were both out of the game since you melted most of his servo. Having the upperhand, the cons give up and leave. There was one con left. Megatron. "This isn't over, Optimus. Not with you and your firey PET!" Oh oh, he was pissed!
That little mutant dare to melt his servo!
He didn't even know you're a human with a mutation until soundwave found footage and info about you.
Would try to get revenge on you, but doesn't want to risk losing his servo again.
For once the warlord was worried about his opponent.
If you could melt his servo, could you melt your way through his whole frame?
He didn't show it, but the thought actually made him shudder.
He couldn't lose to a pathetic human who is 10 times smaller than him.
In short, he hates your guts but loves your abilities.
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The moment Megatron asked to find information about you, a switch flipped in his processor.
Finally he found a human interesting. A extraordinary human to be specific
If he had time he would try to see you on cameras so he could catch you for Megatron
He wasn't scared or anything, but would be slightly worried could you melt his screen off?
He did almost catch you, but you lit up inside him so he had to drop you out before he would fall down from the sky.
Knew that you're stronger than anybot thinks. Wouldn't mess with you unless he has something to overpower you for example: some relics
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If he ever I MEAN EVER sees you in action he would definitely run away and protect his paintjob.
Fire + his beautiful plating/paint job did NOT go together.
If you would try to attack him, you won't see him after a while. He's AFRAID of you.
Would always seem busy when he heard lord Megatron talk about a mission where you could be involved.
"Knockout!" The cherry red medic saluted. "You have a mission to go an retrieve a relic. Y/N could be there, so be quick." "My Liege I'm in the middle of a medical check up I don't have t-time. Send breakdown. He's willing to do it."
If you're on the nemesis he would run away like from the bot zombies in season 3 of tfp xD
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You're mutation was...illogical
A human shouldn't be able to light themselves on fire
Would ask permission from Megatron to take you as a test subject.
Be careful not to be caught by him! It would be worse than having others afraid of you and your freaky abilities.
He wanted to see how you could work with your abilities. How could he make them..Logical
Wouldn't be afraid of you. Oh no no no. He would be so so so interested about your abilities he wouldn't care if he would get melted at the same time.
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He would love your abilities to be on flames, but! Since he's a decepticon and a predacon ofcourse he has to attack you.
Would speak to you someway or another in his bipedal mode during a mission
If he need fire styled company, he would try to contact you. He doesn't care if you're part of the autobots. You're his friend
Frag Megatron and Shockwave. You're warm like him! You're now his grandchild!
You would joke around that he's your actual king! Since you both are fire themed basically.
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mama-qwerty · 2 months ago
Can you give an analysis between Shadow and Knuckles and how Sonic helped them and relate to their experiences? I feel they all suffer loss and but treat their grief differently.
On the surface, Shadow and Knuckles both seem very similar. They both are really focused in their goals, they both trusted and were used by a Robotnik, and they both kicked Sonic's butt the first time they interacted with him.
Knuckles knew who he was and where he came from, knew his family and his people, and was trying to live up to that ideal for the sake of his fallen tribe. He'd taken the quest and legacy of the entire echidna race onto his own shoulders, and did what he could to return the echidna's stolen honor. He'd sacrificed himself, his childhood, and his own happiness for that goal, because he knew he was the only one left to complete it.
Shadow, on the other hand, has no memory of his time before coming to Earth. Before he met Maria, he had no purpose, no goal, nothing to strive for because all he was was a lab rat for GUN's scientists. His days consisted of being hooked to monitors, subjected to experiments, and likely shoved back in his tube when he wasn't needed.
Knuckles lived his life constantly on the move. Searching for clues to the Master Emerald, being captured and forced to fight in arenas, and keeping ahead of the bounty hunters. Staying in one place didn't further his quest, and left him vulnerable to attack.
Shadow never knew life outside the facility. He stared at the same walls day in and day out. Maria eventually made things more bearable, but he was still trapped in this laboratory hell.
At his core, Knuckles always wanted a friend. He mentioned in the series that he was betrayed "again and again and again" when he tried making friends, but he still tries. He still has that kind heart, and no matter how many times he's hurt and betrayed, he will never let his heart grow cold. He'll be suspicious, sure, but he will (unfortunately) be more trusting than he likely should be.
Shadow has a hard time trusting, mostly because he had no reason to trust anyone to begin with. He was just a thing to the scientists. A creature to test and experiment on. No one tried to earn his trust, or treat him as anything but a novelty. Maybe at some point, even he saw himself as nothing but an object to study, and not really a person. Until Maria.
When Knuckles met Sonic, he'd been on his quest for the better part of his life. The excitement of finally, finally completing it likely overrode his instincts, as we saw him look unsure and questioning when Robotnik showed his true colors in a few scenes. Had he been thinking more clearly, he may have realized Robotnik's nature earlier on.
When Shadow met Sonic, he was dealing with the fresh grief and confusion of what had happened to Maria. The only things he new for sure was that GUN was the enemy, and his best friend was dead. He was trying to figure things out on his own, without the experience or knowledge to know what to do or where to go from there.
Sonic appealed to Knuckles by offering advice regarding hope for completing his quest. Knux was demoralized and feeling as though he'd failed not only himself, but his entire race by allowing Robotnik to get the Emerald.
"C'mon, Knucklehead, we're not beat yet." Sonic literally offered his hand in friendship, to help Knuckles complete the quest he was technically still on. Knux's driving force was his desire to get the ME and allow his people to finally rest in peace. He kept moving for all those years in their memory. To achieve what they couldn't.
Shadow was different. He didn't have an overarching goal, no driving quest that gave him focus. Shadow was dealing with so many emotions, and he'd had no one to guide him through such feelings before. Maria likely helped him back at the facility--as evidenced by the scene as they looked at the stars--but Shadow had never felt anything this big before. This heavy. This hard.
With Shadow, there was no concrete thing that would help him. Pain is all consuming. There is nothing that can be done to take it away. And because he had no idea who he was or what his purpose was before she died, now he was thrown into a complete tailspin with her gone. He was plunked into a big, confusing world and essentially had to figure it out all on his own, all while dealing with this giant hole in his heart.
Sonic offered his hand again, but this time it was in understanding. He knew the pain Shadow was going through. He knew how hard it was. He knew how confusing and scary it was to be on a planet you didn't know, suddenly faced with this prospect of being all alone and having to deal with everything by yourself.
And he knew what it felt like to lose the one person you loved above all others, practically right in front of you.
Knux may have lost everything the same day Sonic did, but Knuckles had something to focus on. Sonic didn't. Shadow doesn't. And it's possible that Knuckles hasn't fully worked through his grief yet. His quest for the ME took precedence, and he simply ignored those feelings of sadness as he did what he needed to not have let his tribe die in vain.
Sonic may have offered his hand and friendship to both Knuckles and Shadow, but the circumstances between them were different. Knuckles needed encouragement and help to finish his quest. Shadow needed someone who's been through this grief to tell him it's okay to feel sad. It's gonna hurt. And you can make bad choices, but that doesn't define who you are as a person. You can make good choices, too.
Sonic can't make Shadow feel better. But he can help Shadow feel better about being Shadow.
Check out my other Sonic 3 analysis posts
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sc0tters · 1 year ago
Forever Yours | Mat Barzal
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summary: when Mat’s words send the argument too far it sends him into a day of true self reflection.
request: yes/no
warnings: swearing.
word count: 3.41k
authors note: this request was really good and I tried to fulfil it as well as I could and do that little bit more for it too. It took my an embarrassingly long amount of time to write this but I think that it was all worth it in the end. I really did love this one so I’m hoping that you guys did too, so to those of you who do read it all, thank you.
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Today was one of those days.
The one where you want to crawl into a ball and hope that if you shut your eyes tight enough you’ll wake up and realise that it was all just some bad dream.
Zack your youngest has been clinging to your side as he is going through teething. Then the twins who were weeks away from turning four were having the worst time of their lives. Whilst Oscar lost his teddy bear to the family lab Marley, Marcus only wanted his father who was far too busy preparing for the end of the season’s playoff run.
And that brings that to why you were having a bad day.
The crockpot decided to turn off at some point during the day so you no longer had dinner cooking, Amazon delivered your package that had the boys presents in it to the scary neighbour. The boys had you chasing them around publix because they kept on running away. And to top it all off you had dirty laundry that could have been coming out of your ears you had so much to do.
Which is why you were honestly giving yourself a pat on the back for getting Zack to sleep before Mat came home “daddy!” Marcus cheered running over to his father who came in the front door.
You wiped your hands on the kitchen cloth that was in front of you before you turned to where the noise had been coming from “hi love.” You yawned as your eyes grew heavy when the lack of sleep that you had began to catch up with you.
Mat furrowed his brows as he saw that the dinner table wasn’t even set yet “boys already eat?” He asked giving you a side hug.
A quick shake of your head had him scoffing “what the hell was so important today that you couldn’t get dinner ready for five thirty?” The hockey player had a rough day where he couldn’t seem to score a single goal during practice today and he brought that negative mood home with him “boys why don’t you go to the playroom?” You asked the twins sending their father a glare “we are not doing this with them here.” You warned as the boys ran off unaware of the glaring match that their parents held.
Mat crossed his arms as he tapped his foot against the floor “you haven’t answered my question yet.” His voice was condescending as it made you feel sick to your stomach.
You sighed “day just got really out of hand.” You mumbled picking up that he wasn’t going to be interested in hearing about what your sons had gotten up to today.
From the lost teeth to breakdowns in the grocery store, if you could name it the event probably happened.
Yet your words didn’t harbour the response you hoped “I don’t go to work for you guys to sit on your fucking asses all day!” Mat hadn’t noted when his frustration on his day morphed into frustration about you.
At this point one of the twins began crying “sitting on my ass?” You let out a laugh “do you know how hard it is to raise these boys myself?” You crossed your arms. You loved your kids but you were getting spread far too thin to keep yourself afloat.
Now you had both clearly gone too far “from where I stand it’s a pretty easy job.” Those words came with a slash of a knife that couldn’t exactly be taken back.
The look on your face in that very moment was one that Mat hadn’t seen before “if you think it is so easy then you take the kids tomorrow.” You proposed with a smirk “what are you gonna do?” Mat couldn’t believe that he was entertaining your thoughts.
Quickly the penny dropped in your head “the girls haven’t seen me in months. They want to go to a spa.” You raised your eyebrows with a smirk “deal.” Mat nodded his head as he reached his hand out to shake yours.
Part of you found it sad to believe that this was what you had gotten to “where are you going?” Mat wrapped his hand around your arm as you went to move away “to deal with our crying child because it clearly seems that you aren’t planning on it!” You shot back clenching your fists as you walked into the playroom.
Whilst you spent the night taking care of your boys tucking them in Mat was on the phone to Anthony debriefing the events that had happened “you were an ass dude.” The younger boy rolled his eyes as he rubbed his hand along his jaw.
Years ago you would have been Anthony’s dream girl, you were Anthony’s dream girl but when Mat won you the younger boy took his defeat gracefully “look I can’t exactly go and tell her I fucked up now?” Mat grumbled as he stared at the ring in the box.
Six years of dating and three kids to show for it yet no ring on your finger, or at least not yet “sorry dude.” Anthony apologised as he shook his head “you have to lie in the bed that you have made.” He shrugged seeing Mat’s face soaked in regret.
So Mat got to watch as he realised the consequences of his actions “I will say that she does love you just as much as she loves those kids.” As godfather to all three Tito could see just how much all three of those kids meant to you “so if y/n is y/n then I suggest you start looking for the checklists.” The comment about your organisation skills made both boys laugh.
Getting to watch you craft the step by step lists that you loved so much made Mat’s days “I should get going.” The Islander player sighed seeing the bedroom door open as your body appeared.
You sent Mat an awkward smile as you watched him throw his phone to the side “hey-” Mat spoke up as you went to your closet.
Pulling random items of clothing together you tried to ignore your boyfriend “the boys are down.” You announced grabbing onto some old band tee that you had found in your closet “so I’m going to sleep in the guest room tonight.” Mat wanted to argue, he wanted you in his bed because as much as you so badly wanted him to feel a of the ounce of the stress that you had felt dealing with the rough parts of the single parenting lifestyle this week.
But instead he watched on “you sure?” Were the only words that he could find in his mind that his mouth would let out.
It was a far cry from the fight you wanted him to put up “I thought I’d been sleeping with a guy who wanted to see me today, but since that isn’t the case I’d rather be alone.” You sent Mat a nod feeling too tired to cause a fight tonight.
The guest bedroom was bleak in comparison to your bedroom. The walls were decorated yet the love that had been soaked into the walls of your room hadn’t been carried to the very room that you sat in.
Playing with the beaten up hem of the band tee you had grabbed only now realising the memories that had woven themselves into the stitched fabric.
This was more than just a simple shirt to you and Mat. This was the first shirt you stole from him, the shirt you were in when he asked you to move in. The one when you went into labour with Zack. If something could capture your relationship. It was that shirt.
ABBA blared through the speakers of your apartment as you danced to it. Mat had been on a road trip for the last two weeks and you being heavily pregnant you were in nothing but Mat’s shirt.
The boy ended up arriving quietly as you couldn’t hear him over the sound of the music “holy shit!” You clutched at your chest as you locked eyes with the boy “I was just starting to enjoy that show.” Mat frowned as he pushed off from against the doorframe.
His hands ran over your stomach as he smiled “missed you.” His words were soft as he kissed your lips.
You looked like a sight for sore eyes in his shirt “missed you too.” You smiled as you ran your finger over his cheek.
So you couldn’t help it when you stared in the mirror and watched on as tears welled in your eyes making you unlock your phone “momma.” You sobbed as the call connected “Mat and I had a fight.”
When Mat woke up that next morning the mix of the irritated looks on the twins faces and the lack of your presence on the other side of the bed served as a reminder for the events of the previous night.
Oscar was the first to speak up “we’re gonna be late.” He pointed to the clock making Mat’s eyes go wide “where is your mom?” Mat groaned rubbing his eyes as the sleep caught in his fingers.
Marcus pulled the note out of his pyjama shorts pocket “momma gave this to me.” Of course you had gone and kissed the boys before you left to head to New Jersey for the day.
𝒯𝓌𝒾𝓃𝓈 𝒽𝒶𝓋𝑒 𝓉𝑜 𝒷𝑒 𝓅𝒾𝒸𝓀𝑒𝒹 𝓊𝓅 𝒻𝓇𝑜𝓂 𝓃𝓊𝓇𝓈𝑒𝓇𝓎 𝒶𝓉 𝒷𝑒𝒻𝑜��𝑒 𝓈𝑜𝒸𝒸𝑒𝓇 𝒶𝓉 𝓉𝒽𝓇𝑒𝑒 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝒵𝒶𝒸𝓀 𝒽𝒶𝓈 𝒶 𝒹𝑜𝒸𝓉𝑜𝓇𝓈 𝒶𝓅𝓅𝑜𝒾𝓃𝓉𝓂𝑒𝓃𝓉 𝒶𝓉 𝑜𝓃𝑒. 𝒟𝑜𝓃’𝓉 𝓁𝑒𝓉 𝓎𝑜𝓊𝓇 𝓅𝓇𝒾𝒹𝑒 𝑔𝑒𝓉 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝒷𝑒𝓈𝓉 𝑜𝒻 𝓎𝑜𝓊, 𝒾𝒻 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝓃𝑒𝑒𝒹 𝓂𝑒 𝒸𝒶𝓁𝓁 𝓂𝑒.
Getting both boys dressed was one thing but almost forgetting that Zack was asleep in his cot truly took the cake “forgetting someone?” Oscar furrowed his eyebrows as he pointed at the picture of the three boys you had taken for Christmas “fuck me!” Mat pinched the bridge of his nose “swear jar!” The twins spoke at the same time as they watched Mat run back upstairs.
Mat had realised that he had truly screwed up when the boys didn’t even say goodbye to him when they left “tell mom we miss her.” Oscar mumbled as he let the car door shut with a slam behind him.
Zack was peacefully playing with the toy that Marcus had dropped into his hands “you okay buddy?” Mat looked into the rear view mirror to see that his youngest was now looking back at him “mama!” Zack cooed as he let out a giggle “I know, I miss her too.” The hockey player let out a sigh as he tapped his fingers against the steering wheel in front of him.
You let the warm water of the jacuzzi calm your nerves as you peacefully sipped on your mimosa “so what did Mat do?” Maisie asked as she cocked her head.
It pulled your attention away from the bubbling water “what makes you think that he did something?” You shot back ignoring her smirk “it’s been three years since we last went to the spa. What has your husband done to bring you back here?” Before kids the spa was a bimonthly tradition for the two of you.
Maisie sighed as you kept quiet “boyfriend and we fought.” You corrected her looking down at your bare ring finger “tell me what happened.” She reached out to hold your hand “basically-” you were cut off by the sound of your phone ringing “hello?” You asked quickly answering it.
“I know you said that Mr Barzal was picking the boys up today but the boys are still here.” It was forty minutes after the boys were meant to be picked up “I’ll be right there.” You cursed the universe as you got up.
Water ran down your body “Mat forgot the twins at school.” You explained shaking your head “I’m sorry but I have to-” stress made your cheeks turn red “go, I’ll come with.” Maisie didn’t even have you finish talking before she followed you out of there.
Mat bounced Zack in his arms as they walked back to the car “what does your mom want?” Mat furrowed his eyebrows to see that you had sent him twenty missed calls.
You didn’t let him get a word in “Mat you have done some stupid things in your life but this truly takes the cake.” You spat pinching the bridge of your nose.
Thankfully for you the twins always assumed that you were the one meant to pick them up so they didn’t realise that they had been forgotten about “hi dad!” Marcus giggled from the back of the car “shit.” Mat slapped his hand over his mouth “swear jar!”
Mat knew he had screwed up once more “Zack had a good check up and that ear infection is gone!” The hockey player let out an awkward sigh as he watched Zack babble on to himself.
You wanted to yell at him but for now you were going to have to remain quiet “we can talk about it at home.” You hung up before Mat could say anything more to you “I think momma’s gonna kill me.” Mat groaned shaking his head as he placed Zack into his car seat.
Maisie had kept you calm until she left wanting to give you a moment to gather your thoughts before Mat came home “mama!” Zack cooed as the front door opened.
He was happy on his fathers hip until he saw you “he didn’t take his bottle today.” Mat explained as Zack reached out to grab you “it’s because he’s teething.” You explained handing your baby the teething toy you had grabbed when you heard the door open.
That served as another reminder to Mat about your strengths as a parent “where are the boys?” Guilt began to consume him as he thought about what he had done to the twins “playroom.” You tilted your head in their direction.
Mat sent you a nod “can we talk?” He pleaded wanting everything to go back to how it was.
All of his teammates had sent him messages expressing how they were on your side because Mat fucked up “you go talk to your sons, I’m gonna feed this one.” You shook your head not agreeing with him “then we can talk.” You sent him a soft smile before you walked upstairs wanting to feed Zack in peace.
The twins were forever on your side no matter how much they missed their father “you know mom told Nana.” Oscar knew about his grandmother’s distaste for Mat. She always did believe that her daughter deserved more than a hockey player who was keeping her in New York.
Mat frowned at the news “I’m sorry I’ve been really shitty to you both.” He apologised watching the twins look at each other with a smirk “I know I’ll put another dollar in the swear jar.” He added in a predictable tone.
The twins got up when their father dropped his head to stare at the ground as he crouched in front of them “I think we can let you get a free pass.” Oscar announced wrapping his arms around Mat “but only if you go apologise to mom.” Marcus added on replicating his brothers actions “yeah I miss moms waffles.” Oscars complaints brought a smile to Mat’s face.
It made him laugh as he nodded “I think I can find a way to make sure you guys get those.” The boys let out a cheer at the news.
Zack had fallen asleep the moment he finished eating “can we talk?” Mat asked as he knocked on the door to see you sat on the bed as you folded laundry.
Your absolute definition of the worst thing on the planet.
Mat laughed as he watched you scrunched up your face reacting to how he folded clothes “you got something you want to say?” Mat raised his eyebrows as he placed his boxers on the table in front of him.
You sighed “you’re doing it wrong.” You shook your head as you reached out to fix what he had done.
It made him smirk “what?” You looked for an answer to his amused expression “as someone who hates folding laundry you are doing a pretty good job.” Mat pointed out as he crossed his arms.
Your mouth formed an o as you let out a gasp “cause you’re doing it wrong!” You threw his boxers at him “want to show me the right way to do it?” You raised your eyebrows as you heard his offer “if that was to get me into your bed once more-” your relationship with the boy had only been going on for a few weeks but you had been friends for years.
The hockey player grabbed your hand as he pulled you onto his lap “then I’d have to try a lot less to be a lot more successful.” Mat brushed his hand along your cheek “I’d like to see you try.” You let out a squeal when he picked you up and carried you to his bedroom.
When Mat’s body weight pressed against the mattress it pulled you away from that memory “I don’t know how you do that everyday.” Mat blurted out as he looked at you.
It brought you some comfort hearing his apology “you are incredible and I was stupid.” The hockey player continued as he ran his fingers through his hair “that’s one way to put it.” You let out a soft laugh “I’m so sorry for everything I did.” Mat reached out to grab your hand.
You smiled at the contact “thank you.” Your voice was soft as you sent him a smile “and I promise I will never leave our children at school again.” His words made you laugh “I’m not letting you live that one down.” You shook your head as he grinned “thought as much.”
Both of you remained silent for a moment just enjoying the peace “I appreciate your apology.” You mumbled fiddling with your nails.
Mat stopped you as he forced your fingers down to the mattress “I have something I need to tell you.” The hockey player announced reaching over to his bedside cabinet.
You shook your head stopping him “I have something to say first.” Amit the chaos that was yesterday you failed to tell Mat the news “you go first then.” He let the box drop into his drawer as he waited to hear what it was that you had to say.
He smiled as he watched you run into the bathroom with a smile on your face “Zack was meant to wear this really cute onesie that I ordered when I thought about this but-” Mat cut you off as he got up to follow you “just spit it out.” His voice was soft as he sent you a thumbs up.
You showed him the pregnancy test as you chewed at the inside of your cheek “say something?” Somehow you were more nervous about showing it to him now than you had for any of the other three pregnancies combined.
Mat pursed his lips together “I was going to say this to you in a few minutes but I’ll do it now.” A moment truly hadn’t felt better than this one did.
He dropped to his knee “I can’t see my life without you and today cemented that more than any other did.” Mat confessed making you smile “the ring is in my drawer-” he rambled making you grin “just ask me so I can say yes you big goof!” You kneeled as you smiled locking your hand with his.
“Marry me so I can spend the rest of my life with you?”
Eight and a half months later
Mat and you enjoyed the last moments of silence as you stared at your newest edition of the family.
But of course the moment had to end eventually when Anthony opened the door with the twins and Zack in tow “is my goddaughter everything we thought she would be and more?” Anthony smiled as he carried a bouquet in his hands as he pressed a kiss to your temple.
Mat nodded crouching down to show the boys their sister “couldn’t have said it better myself.” He nodded knowing that this was going to be the child that was truly going to wrap everyone around her finger.
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sereinreality · 1 month ago
making a luis lives au and having it lead up to re6 so i just want to write down my ideas so far
- ada saves him without a shadow of a doubt. somehow, someway, she gets him off the island and takes him to a hospital to heal while she spends those next couple of months making plans. when luis is properly healed, she would offer one of two options; either work with her or she’ll leave him some things but they have to keep little to no contact. luis obviously goes for the first choice.
- they definitely bond over the course of time they work together from re5 to re6. i like to think their similar backgrounds, history, and goals bring them closer together. luis would always try to find a reason to throw festivities, he’s very insistent on celebrating ada’s birthday or any holiday.
- luis’s nickname for ada is “mariposa” she rolls her eyes every time he says it but she genuinely loves it
- they do a lot of moving around which means time to kill and lots of stories. luis likes to play a game where he tells a story and ada has to guess wether it actually happened or he just made it up. most of the time he’s lying but argues “you never know! maybe someday it will be true!” it makes ada smile. luis tries to make her smile as often as he can.
- luis didn’t change in terms of making jokes. he figures there’s no point in falling to despair when you’ve been given your last chance so he makes the most of it. it annoyed ada at first, thinking that luis wasn’t taking this seriously but upon closer inspection, she realized he’s grown way more cautious than before. she excused some of the teasing after that but never backed down from some back and forth
- ada and luis are like soulmates in the way that they are two sides of the same coin. where there’s one, you’ll find the other. they are connected by coincidence but they treasure it. more than anything, it’s a deep understanding between them. everything they did to survive, to get out of their respective situations, the choices they made, and the loneliness they felt. luis swears that as long as he lives, ada will never feel alone again. ada says likewise. both of them mean it with their whole heart.
- under NO circumstances can leon learn that luis survived. it’s a depressing truth they both understand that if leon got the smallest hint of luis’s survival that he would begin a manhunt to find him. they have too much work being carried out that cannot be compromised. that doesn’t stop luis from searching for leon’s name in government files or papers, he keeps up to date with anything where he’s involved. what can he say? the knight misses his prince.
- that being said leon does not handle post valdelobos very well. he still has luis’s lab key which he keeps in a box tucked away somewhere. sometimes the smell of smoke brings him back to spain and the mines where he lost someone he’s grown so close to in just a small amount of time. it shouldn’t break him as much as it does but it’s something that stays in the back of his mind. leon feels like he missed something. that there was an opportunity open to him that he failed to see, it could have been something but now he’ll never know. the door shut in his face just when leon realized what was being offered to him.
- once he saw don quixote displayed on a bookstore window with a lovely red cover and bought it immediately. it sits on his shelf collecting dust, leon hasn’t had time to read it or so he says.
- the trio do reunite in re6 but more importantly, luis catches wind of some of the stunts leon had been pulling and their first interaction after years was luis marching up to leon as he backs into a wall. luis is shouting in spanish, probably complaining about leon not prioritizing his own safety, then switching to english so he can yell in a language leon understands. it was here that he catches leon’s face. he’s so much older now, worn out like leather. leon looked exhausted but he also seemed so amazed? confused? whatever it was, he looked softer now and his eyes widen a little. he simply says, “you’re alive?”
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kiaxet · 2 years ago
So it turns out the latest update in @somerandomdudelmao‘s apocalypse comic has been living in my head, and when that happens I need to get it out, so ~900 words of sad it is!
Donnie is good at birthdays. He has been once he was old enough to understand the concept. It's a point of pride.
Specifically, he's good at presents. According to his data, most people who fail at presents do so because of the guesswork they seem to think needs to be involved. He's never understood the point of that. Data and hypotheses, certainly, but why guess when a definitive answer is available after a simple direct inquiry?
"What do you want for your birthday?"
Early on, the presents are easy. Art supplies. Comics. Stuffed animals. Things he could hand to Papa in an easily followed list format, or obtain for himself once they all got old enough to start safely leaving the lair and venturing into the city above. It's simple and straightforward and so, so easy to get right.
(Of course, he always has an annotated list of his own desired gifts to provide to his brothers; if he's solved the guesswork issue, he may as well make things easy for them too. Plus, that method ensures he gets what he wants.)
Things start getting a little more complicated as he and his brothers get older. Art supplies and comics and stuffed animals are still very much appreciated, and he's documented his brothers' tastes well enough to know exactly what they like, but the answers to his simple direct inquiry are different.
"Dee, can you help me plan this mural out? I think I have enough space, but I could use a hand with the measurements."
"Donton, my half of the day is gonna be a Jupiter Jim marathon, and I need you there. Without your laptop." A beat. "But you can pick one of the movies if you want."
"Hey Donnie, you think you can help me out fixing up the gym? Things just stay put longer if you weld 'em."
After a few years of documentation, Donnie spots the pattern. His brothers appreciate physical gifts from him, certainly, but that's not what they want anymore. What Donnie's family wants from him is time - time outside the lab where he spends a good amount of his days, time spent in conversation or shared activity or simply in the same room. It's not as easy as finding the right physical gift, but if that's what they want, then he's more than happy to provide. Now that he's discerned the pattern, it's just as easy to give his brothers what they want, and Donnie can continue to maintain that he is Good At Birthdays as a point of pride.
The Hamatos don't do birthdays anymore. There's no time in the apocalypse, no supplies, and Donnie is one of the few who actually keeps track of the calendar date. The apocalypse certainly has its share of anniversaries, a list that only grows the more people they lose, but birthdays are no longer celebrated.
With one exception.
Casey Jones Junior, their collective adopted kid, is young enough that birthdays still matter - should still matter. They do their best to keep him safe and keep those days calm and happy for him, despite everything happening around them, and while they don't always succeed, they at least try.
And damn it all, Donatello is still good at birthdays.
"Casey Junior!" He greets the kid with a grin, leaning on his bo like it's not both an inconvenience and a humiliation to need to rely on it in order to stay upright.
"Uncle Tello?"
"Since I'm not very good at guessing, I'll ask straight out." This is not entirely true - he has a list of potential gifts for Casey drafted, with 98% certainty that whatever Casey asks for will align with one of them - but he requires that confirmation to move forward. A certainty in a world where certainty is in short supply. "What do you want for your birthday?"
"My...ah." Casey's expression falls and he looks away, gaze fixed on the paperwork in his hands. Donatello says nothing, pointedly ignoring the elephant in the room in order to give Casey space. "You...can do anything," Casey starts.
"Pretty much, yes." Material issues aside - spirits know he'd have a cure for whatever the Krang had infected him with if those weren't a concern.
"I want you to stay alive," Casey says, and Donnie's smile freezes in place as Casey looks back up at him. "Can you do that?"
Damn that two percent uncertainty.
"Ah. Of course." He shrugs, as though he doesn't know exactly what Casey is asking for, and pulls up a holographic display of a calendar. "According to my calculations, I will be alive next month, which means I'll be here for your birthday." Not talking about it won't solve the problem, but it may salvage this conversation. "So! What's an actual gift you want?"
"I want you to be here." Casey's gaze finds a point on the floor, and Donnie falls silent. "Not just for a month."
No. No, he needs something concrete - something he can act on - he knows how long his list of responsibilities is, but he still feels stymied, rushing up on the end, and he needs something he can do- "But it's not a gift," he replies, a last-ditch effort he's fairly certain is bound for failure-
"No. No, it is."
As always, all Donnie's family wants from him is time.
And now, at the end of his rapidly-shortening life, it's the one thing he can no longer give them.
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suzukiblu · 1 year ago
more of the one where Clark panic-adopts his teenage clones, yes including the supervillain one:
"I don't know why people keep doing this," Superman sighs as they stop in the air high above the cloud cover between them and the Lyon lab. 
"Stealing your DNA?" Match asks. 
"Kidnapping a sixteen year-old," Superman says like he thinks it's some kind of correction. Match frowns. 
"Superboy is two," he says. And closer to physiologically eighteen at this point, even accounting for the temporary stall in his aging process. Definitely not sixteen by either count, though. 
"I–well, yes," Superman says uncomfortably. "But you know what I mean." 
Match doesn't, actually. 
"It won't be difficult to crack the lab," he says instead of admitting that. "Security won't be prepared for an external assault from your full powerset." 
"Because they think I wouldn't come," Superman says, sounding resigned. 
"Yes," Match confirms. 
"Because of your reports?" Superman says. 
"Yes," Match says. "And you never did before, either." 
Superman frowns, sparing him a confused glance. 
"Why would I have come before Superboy was even here?" he asks. 
"I was here," Match says. 
Superman's frown deepens. He looks over at him again. Match isn't sure why; the lab is the current concern. 
Maybe he assumes that he's lying about the security. Or that he's going to tell the Agenda that he's here. Those would both be fair assumptions. 
"The Agenda thought I might come for you?" Superman says. 
"The theory was presented, initially," Match says. "But you didn't, so external security in the newer labs is less intensive." 
"Why did they think I'd do that?" Superman asks. 
"Superboy and I only exist because of you," Match says. "And the Agenda knew he'd reported my existence to you." 
"I wasn't actually involved in either of your creations, though," Superman says, still frowning. "My DNA was stolen." 
"Yes," Match agrees, tilting his head. Did Superman think he didn't know that? "Because you made your DNA valuable." 
"What?" Superman frowns at him again. 
"Your DNA was stolen because it was valuable," Match clarifies. "Because you demonstrated it was valuable. You don't use science or tricks or magic or owe any gods or countries or labs any kind of allegiance. You just exist on this planet and you're the most powerful thing on it just because you're here. You can do anything you want, whenever you want, and no one else can stop you. Not even if they kill you." 
Superman doesn't say anything. 
"And you told everyone that," Match continues. "You told everyone that you were the most powerful thing on this planet just because of your very valuable DNA and the fact that we happen to be revolving around a yellow sun. That you can't even die. That you'll always do whatever you think needs done, no matter what anyone else thinks or who tries to stop you from doing it." 
Superman still doesn't say anything. 
"So Superboy and I only exist because of you," Match finishes, and then looks back down at the lab below through the cloud cover. Thirteen is down there right now. Or he should be, at least. 
Maybe he's already escaped. 
That's a very Thirteen kind of thing to do, after all. 
"That's how you feel?" Superman asks, all careful-voiced again. 
"That's what I know," Match corrects. "Would you prefer to go straight in or should I provide a distraction first?" 
". . . I'll be the distraction," Superman says, still watching him with an absolutely indecipherable expression that Match doesn't understand the purpose of. "Find Superboy and say my name when you do. Then I'll get you both out." 
"The Agenda will want me back, though," Match says with a frown, not understanding. 
"Do you want to stay with them?" Superman asks. 
Match has absolutely no idea how Superman can even ask him that. It's not a choice if he stays with the Agenda. 
It's never been a choice. 
"They made me," he says. "They own me." 
"That isn't true," Superman says. "You don't have to stay with them just because they made you. Not if you don't want to. Superboy didn't stay with the people who made him, did he?" 
". . . Superboy lives at Cadmus," Match says, more than a little confused by that statement. "He works for Cadmus. He's a field agent." 
"He–what?" Superman blinks. 
"Did you not know that?" Match asks. That really seems like something Superman should've known. Especially since it's something the Agenda knows. "They're under new management. But it's still Cadmus." 
"I–he's still there? I thought that was just . . . why would he still be there?" Superman asks, looking troubled. 
Match really, really doesn't understand Superman as a person. 
"Because he requires food, shelter, and financial support," he ticks off on his fingers. "Also presumably other resources. And he has no legal identity or legal guardian to either obtain or provide said resources. Therefore: Cadmus." 
Therefore: the Agenda. 
It really doesn't seem like something that should need explained, to him. 
Superman looks at him for a very long moment. 
"Find Superboy," he says, finally. "Then say my name." 
"Understood," Match says.
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namelessprayers · 3 months ago
there is a daunting element to the expression of a fool worn on a face that so closely mirrors sua's own. mizi said it herself, from their eyes to their hair, it's like sua and ivan were concocted in the same lab by the same serum under direction of the very same aliens.
of course, it's not true, and hardly any product created in the lab for the purpose of anakt garden comes out exactly the same as the ones before; yet, there's something eerily familiar about them in the way that a reflection is stunningly offset whilst also a perfect encapsulation of the bare minimum reality it seeks to interpret.
it seems ridiculous to admit, but sua understands what mizi means when she first drags ivan into their private conversation with a forceful enthused attempt at making peace, remarking that the two of them share too many features in common to possibly feign ignorance for the remaining span of their limited lives spent in such close proximity.
and well, sua thinks there are worse kids in anakt garden for mizi to get particularly acquainted with. ivan is probably the lesser evil, seeing as he's one of the few others who don't eye mizi in a way sua considers predatory, but mizi and ivan would defend as being purely well intentioned curiosity.
essentially, sua is fine putting up with ivan's presence as long as he doesn't stare at mizi for prolonged periods of time, which is a rule that works wonders as he doesn't do that to anything except what pertains to till. although, sua and ivan's track record of holding discussions without mizi as a buffer is poor, to say the least.
they often toe the line of arguing and debating things. except, sua finds it hard to tell whenever ivan is truly debating for something or simply trying to gage more information regarding her stances.
"a flower crown; what's the point of that?" ivan will ask after watching sua place one she made atop mizi's head. his gaze inscrutable and tone sincere as much as it is condescending, though sua can never tell whether its her own perspective that warps these aspects or if that's merely the strange manner in which ivan conducts himself.
"it's a nice thing. mizi deserves nice things." leaving no room for additional musings, sua prepares to turn and follow where mizi went, uncaring of whether ivan accompanies or not.
"nice things are meaningless though." states ivan, as much a fact as sua's declarations about mizi are. their bluntness is usually a shared similarity sua secretly appreciates between them, but today it feels irksome. "plus, those flowers aren't really flowers. they're just plain deceiving, and there's nothing nice about that."
"is it so bad that i wanted to give her something beautiful, something that might last in memory, even if not literally?" sua bites back, unable to keep the offended anger out of her voice and from flushing red across her face. ivan stays candidly composed as always.
"but it won't last, and it's almost sad how much you try to convince yourself otherwise." he says, in a near pitying sort of lilt that only enrages sua further. "it'd be easier to come to terms with it now, you know, before it's too late."
at a loss of words, sua decides to go. she doesn't turn around to see if ivan's still there, and it's always impossible to sense if he's looking or not. his utter audacity always exceeds her, because she knows he'll be back to hanging out with mizi as if no conversation ever happened. his disconcerting insights of the future will just be like an old tune that slips through sua's memory, coming up every now and then in her idle humming.
it scares sua how easily her and ivan could've ended up switching places. it makes her feel all the more undeserving of mizi's interest.
but when all is said and done, she finds the words of terms and pointlessness coming back in equal application to herself and ivan alike. in the end, sua knows they weren't very different at all, just different levels of honest with themselves and each other.
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lucystark12 · 7 months ago
it’s time to face it here.
there’s no way byler isn’t real.
like are we actually fucking kidding?
i don’t even know why it is that we as a collective do so many analyses of things like b roll or outfits or song choices when byler is the most obvious and inevitable thing to happen in the history of television. literally all three of these characters arcs would be finished if byler were endgame. throughout the entire show, el has been a vessel for somebody else and their agenda, starting from when she was literally raised in a LAB. the fact that some of these mileven shippers who claim to love her don’t realize that the BEST POSSIBLE thing for her is to come into her own and find independence where she isn’t being controlled by somebody else or tied down by somebody else is absolutely ridiculous. that’s the entire point of her character!! the entire point of mike’s character since the second he was first bullied by troy was that he isn’t meant to be a conformist. he’s supposed to stand for what he believes in and be proud of his own identity. in dating el, he was quite literally suppressing his own identity. will is a character who was picked by vecna in season one because of the lack of practical love in his life. his father was absuive and he is constantly bullied at school. he’s the shy one in the party who gets overshadowed by dustin, lucas, and mike’s loud personalities in most of the scenes they have together. vecna targets him because he assumes that he will be an easy target who’s own insecurity will end up being the death of his morality. this is the same will who is only able to be broken out of a trance by mike’s monologue to him, proof of the fact that there is love in his life and people who care about him. will has spent the whole show going back and forth from madness. the only logical ending for him is the manifestation of this love that he has lacked his whole life, that of the one from mike. true, unadulterated devotion. it will be the thing to restore his full sanity and the person he was before all of the strange things went on because love is what keeps will tied to his morality. i fully believe that had i not been eight years old i probably would’ve been able to put this together the second we saw el run away and mike go on about “the best thing i’ve ever done” in season two. i truly believe that all of you milevens would be on board with this if will were a girl. get a grip.
to conclude: milevens are all fifteen year olds and not cool ones like me, they’re the kind who probably thought the great gatsby was a cool vintage romance novel 🤗
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raven-at-the-writing-desk · 3 months ago
Hello, Miss Raven!
I hope you are having a nice day ^^
I was wondering since you don't have a Yuusona, have you ever thought making your own Yuusona like what traits, gender and personality would you have for them?
And how would their relationship be with Miss Raven would they be friends?
Sorry if I'm asking something you don't feel comfortable answering just feel free to ignore it. I'm enjoying your work and I'm new here so I hope I wasn't a bother! Love your work 🫶
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I’ve thought about making a Yuu of my own on more than one occasion. However, I’ve never been a fan of the roles designated for self-inserts… It’s hard to commit. Even if I were to make my Yuu less of a Yuusona (ie just Me but in the Twst world) and more of an OC (an entity totally separate from myself), I always lose motivation somewhere along the way.
That’s of course not to disparage anyone who has a Yuu though!! I just personally find it a struggle to design around a somewhat predetermined identity. There’s less freedom in a Yuu because they have to meet certain parameters in order to “make sense” in the story. For example, Yuus are generally from our ordinary world and magicless. I don’t like having those limitations (and though I could go against it, I’d refrain in order to not break canon lore). That’s why my first Twst OC is very far removed and exists as her own thing.
For fun, here’s some of my scraped Yuu concepts, including doodles. They're not really "Yuusonas" though, more like original characters that happen to be filing in for Yuu:
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Yuu 1: Mad Scientist Yuu
The earliest iteration.
This Yuu is ~16, male. Considered nonbinary at one point too.
The notes in the image basically describe him. Germaphobe, has lots of band-aids (because he is accident-prone), constantly tired + has dark undereye circles due to excess stress and lack of sleep.
Frequently seen in face mask, lab coat, and latex gloves.
“Don’t bother me” energy. Very curt with people and just wants to be left alone.
Claims to be an egalitarian because he “hates everyone equally”.
As the story went on, he would have learned to lighten up and work with others too. Basically, the same arc the NRC students have.
I didn't think too deeply about what his relationship with Miss Raven would be like... Most likely, he just dislikes and avoids her like he does the rest of the NRC population.
Yuu 2: “Robert Philip the Divorce Lawyer” Yuu
Twisted from the divorce lawyer love interest in Enchanted 😭 YES, I SAID WHAt i SAiD…
This Yuu is 35ish, male.
Has a very girly young daughter back home. She is basically his motivation to return.
His ex-wife left him. (YES I AM KEEPING THIS LORE.) Has sworn off love since then but is dating another woman for practical reasons.
Very anti-romance and anti-fairy tales.
Somewhat grumpy.
Logical, pragmatic. Some would say calculating.
Constantly arguing with Crowley because he knows his rights and how many laws Crowley is violating/j
He wouldn’t have been a student but more like a faculty member and father figure to the NRC students. By being in Twisted Wonderland, he helps to mentor the boys as though they were his own children, and the boys in turn teach him about magic, imagination, and believing even in seemingly impossible things.
Had an idea about him finding true love in Twisted Wonderland too; this would basically be his Giselle. Maybe a kind lady from Foothill Town??
Robert!Yuu was going to be sort of a secondary father figure to Miss Raven. Crowley is her real guardian, but he's usually not fulfilling the typical duties of a guardian so Robert!Yuu has to step up. In a lot of ways, Miss Raven reminds him of an older version of his own daughter so he has a soft spot for her. He also tries his best to advise her on life and boys. I imagine that he and Miss Raven have that Hades and Megara scene where she's gushing about Hercules and Hades goes, "Please. HE'S A GUY!!"
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Yuus 3 and 4: Twin Yuus
The bangs they have are borrowed from Robert!Yuu because I liked them and was too lazy to try something new out—
They’re brother and sister, both 17. I wanted to play around with the concept of multiple Yuus in Twisted Wonderland at the same time. Twins because they are supposed to be “a mirror image” of the other.
The theme these two would explore is gender, particularly expectations vs reality.
They come from an old money family; each twin has very traditionally gendered expectations placed on them but their secret is they swap places and pretend to be the other twin so as to get out of their own responsibilities, as the girl is tomboyish and the boy is more feminine.
They continue this act in Twisted Wonderland in order to "protect" one another, but their relationship becomes strained with each OB. For example, the male twin would become increasing protective, feeling like it is his responsibility to keep his sister safe. This would earn him his sister's ire since he never smothered her before. The twins would eventually reconcile and come to reach a middle ground regarding one another's expression of their gender and how that informs their behavior toward one another.
In another variation, only the male-presenting twin would be isekai'd to Twisted Wonderland. It would later be revealed that "he" is actually a "she". The explanation that she provides for acting masculine is to rebel against the expectations of her family (who had arranged a marriage for her prior to her being isekai'd).
... But then there's ANOTHER twist 🤡 and it turns out that her "masculine self" closely resembles her actual twin brother (who is now deceased). The idea is that she partly acts this way as a trauma response and relies a lot on "speaking" with her brother for advice on how to move forward in Twisted Wonderland. Like, she has pretend conversations with him in her head.
Her character arc would have been centered around detaching herself from the expectations placed on her, as well as learning to let her brother go and become her own person.
ASDSBDABSDOSA I feel like Miss Raven would be so confused trying to keep track of the twins and/or the single twin's dramatic backstory. She'd be pretty cordial with them though! Maybe even tries to counsel them when they're fighting or closed off from others.
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Yuu 5: Ara Ara Onee-san Yuu (WIP name is Sumire -> Suu -> her variation of “Yuu”, lol)
The best designed one, probably.
The only one with a proper name, too :v
She's 18 and female!
Started off as a joke between me and a friend. We were talking about how we think many of the first year students would be into "onee-san" types.
As you may or may not be able to tell by the design, she's meant to be a caring big sister character. Sweet, patient, and motherly. Even gardens and bakes! The type you know you can always go to when you need advice or comforting.
YEAH I GAVE HER DEAD ANIME MOM HAIR, SO WHAT???? The bangs swooping over one side of her face gives her sort of a mysterious air!
She looks very kind (and that's because she is), but she is also very air-headed. Like she'll pick up a worm and hold it in your face and ask you if you think it's cute.
Has a secret sadistic side. Not malicious and won't go out of her way to cause problems, but she'll gush about how she thinks you being frustrated or struggling with a task is "cute".
The arc Sumire would go on is one revolving around her status as the "older sister" of the group and finding a "pure" way of loving her friends. There's nothing wrong with having that role, but her issue is that she relies on it to be her personality and often gives away too much of herself at the cost of her own mental and emotional wellbeing.
It's like... codependency. She loves you because (whether she knows it or not) she NEEDS validation from others. And because she wants that validation so much, she forces herself to be someone she's not at her core. Someone agreeable and sweet. That becomes very taxing for her.
If she feels as though someone is going to leave her, she'll either love bomb or have a mental breakdown in private. TO BE CLEAR, this is not healthy behavior and she's supposed to grow out of this obsessiveness over the course of the main story.
By that logic, she's more manipulative and selfish than she seems at a glance. I guess you could describe her true personality as being yandere or even menhara?? But she usually masks it well.
Miss Raven has a history of falling for pretty smiles, so I think she'd also be a victim of this one. She would look up to Sumire as like "the peak lady" and the big sis she's always wanted. REALLY feeding into her secret ego there, Miss Raven... and Sumire, being herself, would just giggle and pat her on the head to keep that toxic relationship going.
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niechys · 2 months ago
I got this little part I don't know where to put. Will probably stick it in with the bad ending later. For now I'll just stick it here.
Just Onslaught trying to take care of tings.
It was late. A medical personel would either be in the ward checking patients, or returning to their own place. Pharma was heading to none of those places.
He was about to turn a corner when he felt it. The prickling sense of being watch. He wasn't alone. Pharma held his breath, trying to listen for footsteps or any sound not coming from himself.
"Well...well.. What's a doctor doing here at this hour?" Cold metal pressing at Pharma's back, Onslaught step up behind him.
"Commander? I should ask you that" Pharma put his hand up not trying to look back.
"Nothing much. Just looking out for my pilot"
"I don't..."
"Don't worry, doctor. I won't hurt you, just continue on wherever you were going" Onslaught said, slowly withdraw the gun from the other man's back, but keep it trained on him.
Pharma steady his breath, then started walking. They walked in silenced, Onslaught falling behind a little but still at arm's reach. Entering the research facility, most labs were dark, automatic light came on in the hall way and went off as they pass. Finally, they reached the inner lab, Pharma punched in the code and they entered.
There were only one still working. His singular yellow lens on metal mask blinked as he looked up, passing Pharma to the man behind him.
"Shockwave" Onslaught addressed him first. The gun still trained on Pharma even as the medic moved away from him.
"Commander Onslaught" Shockwave gave a small nod and got up from his chair. "What brings you here?"
"There are some rumors I heard that I might have to take care of. Does Felix rings a bell?"
"Felix? Oh, you mean First Aid, Vortex's latest pilot. An interesting kid, mostly since he survived this long"
"Exactly. I need you to be less interested in him" Onslaught pointed his gun toward Shockwave, aiming right at the yellow glowing lens.
"Are you looking out for your pilot, or the higher up sent you?"
"The higher ups don't care and frankly, I couldn't careless of what they think or what you do to unfortunate new recruits. But that boy is piloting our best asset. I rather not lose him outside of the battlefield."
"I make no promise. But I have no interest in harming him" Shockwave answered, already going back to looking the the screen in front of him.
"Well, best to keep you claw off him, do I make myself clear?"
Shockwave made a noise and nod in acknowledgment, but didn't say anything further.
Onslaught knew Shockwave was not to be trusted. Letting him know that Vortex wanted First Aid alive might be a problem, so he kept that part to himself.
First Aid's value as a pilot far exceed any research Shockwave might have going. That much was true regardless of Vortex's own interest. If whatever Shockwave was doing cause harm to Felix he might as well put a stop to it before worse shit happen.
Obviously didn't help much- But sometimes the adult got to do stuff too
(I just wanna see him pull out a gun is all)
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blueberri-blu · 3 months ago
Ch.4 Mea Vita ∘⁠˚⁠˳⁠°♡
[rise]Future!Donnie x Future!Reader & Donnie x Reader (Post Krang Invasion)
Warnings: Angst, Character Death, gore, injuries, may add more
Please heed the warnings
←Previous Next→
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You two were interrupted, however, by a loud crash, and Older Leo yelling for Older Donnie. "Stay Here, please" he whispered.
Back home, your Donnie was, obviously, panicking.
You were in an alternate universe, supposedly helping other, future him, save their family, because he had lost you.
Sure, he had thought of the possibility of you dying before him, of course he had. That's why he tracked your vitals, your location, and checked for any injuries through your steel grade titanium watch, similar to his.
But it becoming an actual alternate reality?
It was just... Too much for Donnie.
Of course he wouldn't have had any motivation, why would he? When the love of his life, no, his life, was gone?
And How did you die? Did you die in front of him? Did you bleed out? Were you captured by the Krang? Were you just lost?
All Donnie could think about was What Happened?
While you obeyed Older Donnie's plea, you thought of just that. Well, not exactly, more so how your Donnie was holding up. You had already been here for 4 days. You and Donnie hadn't gone so long without contact.
You were rudely pulled out of your thoughts by Older Leo grabbing you and running.
"Hey Leonardo!! What The Fuck!!"
"please, y/n, calm down, we need to leave, now"
"and go where?? We are literally 100 meters from the base??"
"you really think we only had 1 base?"
"and what about Donnie?"
"he's just getting some of his things and he'll meet us there!"
The new base seemed even bigger, almost as if the one you were at was the backup.
That's when you say Older Mikey again, he greeted you just as excitedly as last time. And he wasn't busy enough to keep him from showing you around this time.
You two walked up to the Med Bay area, and you saw Older Donnie, he wasn't extremely injured, but it was still debilitating.
"Donnie! Hey, are you ok? How're you feeling?" Your soft voice caught Older Donnie's attention, distracting him from his conversation with Older Leo.
"Hello dove, thank you for actually listening to me, *amused chuckle* you always were very stubborn, but I suppose you also knew when things were serious."
His gaze upon you felt... Different.
Even though he was from a different universe, from a simple look, you knew.
You knew he was reading you like a book, as if he had known you for ages, like you were old friends.
Though you suppose that's technically true.
Thankfully his injury only needed stitches, but he was still advised to lay low and to take a break.
Compared to when you had first met, he was a lot more relaxed. However, you couldn't tell if it was him getting used to your presence, or the drugs Older Leo had given him for the pain.
Either way, you made great company for him while he rested. As Older Donnie had previously pointed out, you were stubborn, and took Older Leos instruction to heart. You would barely let Older Donnie get up to use the bathroom, definitely not letting him go to his newly set up lab to work.
It was strange. Older Donnie asked you about problems your Donnie didn't know about yet, and hed accidently talk about memories your Donnie and you hadn't made yet.
Tonight was no different, soft talks, light laughter, and nostalgia. You were helping him get into his bed, and that's when you caught a glimpse of it again. The necklace with the 2 beautiful bands on it.
Your hands betrayed you, and reached out to gently take them between your fingers. Older Donnie froze, then snatched them out of your grasp.
You and Older Donnie just sat there, frozen, not knowing what to do.
"my apologies, I didn't mean to be so rude. However, I fear that it is merely out of habit."
"it's.. it's ok, don, I shouldn't have touched them to begin with."
"sigh, they... They were ours. You were so excited, I had made them out of high grade titanium, just like my tech bo, so that they'd last. Sad chuckle, you said that they represented how strong our marriage was..."
you could tell he wanted to cry, to scream, anything, everything, just to get his you back. And you couldn't help the lump in your throat.
That night you two grew impossibly closer. By now, you were back to helping him in his lab, he was making you trinkets that helped those problems he had talked to you about.
However, as Deadpool once said, life is full of commercials of happiness, and now, you were back to your regularly scheduled program.
It was a simple gathering mission, get in, grab the stuff, get out.
But of course, it was never that easy.
In fact, it was what you could only describe as, the absolute worst day of your life.
Omg- another cliffhanger?
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film-in-my-soul · 11 days ago
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What will be there tomorrow | 905 | ponfarrfridays
Summary: “You’ll ruin your eyes, you know.” Jayce’s voice was raspy and tired. He didn’t know if it was true, but he’d heard it countless times, as a kid. “That’s what my mother used to say,” he explained to Viktors questioning gaze, remembering countless nights reading under the covers about crystals or magic or something or another. The hint of a smile quirked Viktor’s lips. “A small sacrifice, for the sake of science.” His voice was soft and cracked, in a certain late-night tone that probably would’ve sent heat straight to Jayce’s dick if he hadn’t been half asleep. Right now, it was soothing, Viktor’s accent filling the darkness and rattling around Jayce’s skull like a comforting, caressing breeze. “Science will be there tomorrow,” Jayce replied, closing his eyes and resting his head against Viktor’s shoulder. It was something he’d said before, countless times over the years. It was something Viktor had never listened to.
Somebody Kiss Me! | 2,705 | cappishe
Summary: Viktor would rather be dragged out into a crowded dive bar with Jayce than spend the umpteenth New Year's Eve alone in his house. Jayce really likes New Year's Eve traditions.
you are exactly what i should want (but i don't want you) | 6,684 | acuteroses
Summary: "You know why this keeps happening to you, right, V?" "Indulge me." "Your soldering is shit." The Machine Herald, injured, crawls to Jayce Talis to be fixed.
preach electric (coffee's for closers) | 8,937 | acuteroses
Summary: It finally happened. It turns out, no matter what he told his poor Ma over the phone, Jayce could not, in fact, live off of his student loan forever. Jayce gets a job at a local coffee shop to put himself through his post-grad and makes friends with the (admittedly very attractive) supervisor that everyone else hates.
(see more recommendations below!)
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aunt you glad | 1,300 | historymiss / @historymiss
Summary: Jayce realises he’s never really thought of where Viktor came from- had always assumed him as always existing, fully formed, ready to be his friend. Certainly not someone with the weight of expectation on him, the pain of pride.
be, be as you've always been | 3,424 | enbymegumi
Summary: The door to the room creaked and Jayce’s eyes shot open. “Am I interrupting?” There was a click. The dim, warm glow of a lightbulb flickered to life. “You know, the sofa was your idea.” Viktor stepped into the light, a small, wry grin playing at his lips as he approached Jayce with the soft thunk of his cane. “I still think it takes up too much space. What’s the point if you’re not going to use it, hm?” Or, Jayce gets teleported to the same AU as Ekko and Heimerdinger, and this Viktor is not the Viktor who left him.
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backbone | 770 | aevallare / @aevallare
Summary: There was a time when putting his hammer on Viktor’s neck would have been anathematic to everything that Jayce stood for. Today, Jayce stands on Viktor’s chest, one foot on his metallic breastplate and the other in the space next to his waist.
Pieces of Me Are Pieces of You | 897 | Frawg_Spawn
Summary: “Jayce … when did you do this?” “When did I do -“ Jayce’s eyes widen as he looks up and sees what Viktor is holding. Viktor makes a discovery he doesn’t expect one day in the lab…
In Pursuit of Discovery | 912 | AppleSharon / @applesharonfiction
Summary: Sighing softly, Viktor leans into Jayce’s touch. Jayce stops, and then after ensuring that Viktor is still asleep, resumes stroking Viktor’s cheek. The skin feels smooth and delicate beneath his fingertips. Jayce prides himself on being an observant person with things that he cares about. He’s just bewildered at how quickly Viktor became one of them. After their Hextech discovery, a soft interlude.
And makes me end where I begun | 1,340 | AppleSharon / @applesharonfiction
Summary: He allows his fingers to linger for a few seconds, feeling the tips of his ears turn red with embarrassment. Jayce smiles but it doesn’t reach his eyes. Viktor wants to take his hands and pinch Jayce’s cheeks until he laughs — wants to tug at the corners of Jayce’s lips until he smiles. Just as Viktor learns not to flinch, Jayce stops touching him. Viktor doesn’t know what he did wrong. Short thing featuring touch-starved Viktor.
apple of my eye | 1,572 | maharlika / @maharlika
Summary: Viktor moves in with Jayce to live on his farm. Shenanigans ensue.
Window of Opportunity | 1,925 | thirty2flavors / @oodlyenough
Summary: “Jayce.” Viktor wriggles his shoulder as best he can under Jayce’s hand, which isn’t much. “If you squeeze any tighter you’re going to give me a bruise.”
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Perfect | 3,402 | TheTrickyOwl
Summary: It only takes a single word for Jayce to take a risk.
Eight Pounds | 5,113 | Sinister_Queer
Summary: Jayce would do anything to keep Viktor happy - even dealing with the eight pounds of wrinkle and wrath that currently torments him in his own home. (AKA Jayce is tormented in his own house by his boyfriends cat.)
Combustion Reactions | WC | begaydocrimes10001
Summary: “I’ll… I'll get you some food,” Jayce said slowly after a moment. “I… it’s really good to see you awake, Viktor.” I don’t understand, thought Viktor as he gazed at Jayce’s completely open face. How could you feel that way? After everything I've done? (Jayce and Viktor don't disintegrate when they destroy Viktor's army. Viktor learns what it means to be taken by the hand and dragged into the light, whether he likes it or not.)
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Beauty in imperfections | 1,214 | sb_essebi / @sb-essebi
Summary: Lying comfortably on top of Jayce’s much bigger body, Viktor lazily traces mindless circles on Jayce’s skin with his index finger, admiring the vast expanse of muscular chest under him. The very hairless, very smooth expanse of it. “Jayce?” “Hm?” Jayce’s eyes meet his, his left arm moving the notes he was reviewing out of the way. It’s all awfully domestic, really. Viktor isn’t sure what to make of it. “Do you shave or epilate? Or are you just bald? It doesn’t seem to grow back.” Viktor has a question. He ends up learning a few extra things along the way... in time.
the little death | 2,341 | AppleSharon / @applesharonfiction
Summary: The sound of water hitting the shower floor roars in Viktor’s ears. Viktor is alone in Jayce Talis’ bedroom. Jayce is in the shower.
you you you all the way down | 4,597 | whatnameshallitake
Summary: “Pass me the pliers?” Jayce asks, pinching a wire that Viktor feels to the tips of his toes. He puts down his own screwdriver and picks up the pliers. Jayce’s thumb rubs around the rubber mouth of this specific wire and— “Easy there,” There’s a huff of breath against his currently exposed circuitry that sends sparks of input in his processing unit. “Okay?” Viktor hears the gears of his pacemaker turn and turn in the silence. He swallows. A hundred words threaten to spill from his lips. 'Please. God. It’s been so long. I’ve missed you. Nobody knows me like you do. You make me feel alive. Touch me.' “Get on with it,” he manages. Or: Whenever he needs a hand, Viktor keeps coming back to Jayce. This is the aftermath.
All Imperfect Things | 4,635 | thedeathchamber
Summary: “Jayce, you’re staring,” he says tightly—no more than that, and he doesn’t know himself if he means to accuse, despite himself, or to entreat, please stop, I can’t bear it.
Wistful Sabotage | 6,403 | Red_Clegane / @redclegane
Summary: Someone is leaving gifts for Viktor around the lab. Viktor, on day four with no sleep, jumps to the logical conclusion. Someone is trying to sabotage them. Jayce is tired (but Viktor is exhausted).
Love was the Law | 6,756 | ruinthatboy / @teddyandrosie
Summary: “This is wrong,” Jayce rasped, his voice strained with torment, so unlike the Jayce that had left mere hours ago to dance and drink and make merry and maybe even make love to the beautiful Mel Medarda. “This is too far back, I shouldn’t be here—” This Jayce was like a wild animal, bearded and shaggy, furious and heartbroken. The huge weapon thudded to the floor once again, and Viktor finally dared to speak. “Jayce, is that… you?” Stewing in his loneliness, research assistant Viktor witnesses an Anomaly take place in the laboratory he shares with Jayce Talis, potentially altering life as they know it (or might never come to know).
the less i know | 6,890 | b_o_i
Summary: Jayce counts down the minutes as he listened to them talk about various professors and what "positions" they probably prefer. He’s mostly succeeding in blocking it out, until he’s jerked back into his body by the sound of one of the men saying Viktor’s name.  “Who?” A second one asks, “Oh—the one that works with Talis? Zaunite with the cane, right?”
You and me as a pair of first-order nonlinear differential equations | 7,554 | RedNightingale
Summary: “This is an on-going investigation,” she continues, not bothering to entertain Jayce’s excuse, “I showed you this because you’re my friend, and because I thought you may be of use due to your…” she struggles with the word, “past with Viktor. But this is in no means an invitation for you to take justice by your own hand.” “I’d never dare,” he says. “I mean it, Jayce.”
In His Language | 7,823 | AppleSharon / @applesharonfiction
Summary: Viktor nearly flinches. He cannot remember the last time someone touched him voluntarily. He cannot remember the last time he wanted to be touched this desperately. Jayce’s warm fingers trail down Viktor’s upper arm — humerus, Viktor’s mind corrects him mid-thought — as he pulls away and Viktor resists the urge to lean into Jayce’s touch. Jayce and Viktor learn how to communicate intimately with each other in their respective languages. It takes longer than it should, but they get there eventually.
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[New Message] by Sinister_Queer
2 Part Series | Rated E | Total Words: 38,339
Part 1 Summary: Jayce, enjoying a night home alone, receives a series of salacious photos from his roommate, Viktor, who he absolutely totally does not have a crush on at all. Viktor, out with his friends, snaps a few sexy pictures to see if he can entice his roommate into being a little bit more. What could possibly go wrong? (AKA: Viktor sends some dirty pics and Jayce still can't get the fucking message.)
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phantom1111 · 4 months ago
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Not from around here
Chapter 1
My eyes gravitate to his figure, taking in all his glory as he strides over to us with an unreadable expression on his face. "we are cooked.." i hear Izan say behind me, but ignore him, keeping my eyes on Homelander.
Homelander turns to the crowd, his back towards us "It's all right everyone, i got this under control you can go ahead and continue with your day" he raises his hands to calm the jittery crowd down, and they all begin to leave. He turns back to us and gives a charming smile that doesn't exactly seem to reach his eyes "Who might you all be? Are one of you a supe?" he sets his hands on his hips and patiently watches as my friends scramble to get up off the floor. "Uhh.. well we aren't.. from here?" I look back at the group and shrug.
They all look at me, expecting me to explain what just happened and I look back and forth between them and Homelander. "Right.. and whats that supposed to mean?" I laugh awkwardly and brace myself to explain in a way that won't make us look like crazy people "Well I know this is strange... but i think we just accidentaly traveled to your universe?" He makes a strange face and looks around, expecting this to be a prank. Izan steps up "Ok basically we come from a universe where your world is like a tv show and comic book series, so this is super trippy seeing YOU in real life" I nod and Homelander laughs "You really expect me to think you guys are from a different univers-" Izan cuts in "We know you were raised in a lab" i gasp and jab him in the stomach "Shut up!" Homelander looks at us in part bewilderment and part anger. "You- How the hell did you- No that's NOT true I am Homelander." he points his finger at us accusingly.
Behind him follows Madelyn stillwell, Ashley, and a few other employees of vought. "What's all this? You missed your 2 o'clock photoshoot" She demands him and crosses her arms, looking between us and him. "Apparently these folks are from another universe" He shoots us a fake smile and looks over at her. Madelyn furrows her brows and shakes her head in confusion "What..?" Francis steps in "Uhh we were at the mall hanging out, then i bent down to tie my shoe and BAM i fell through the floor and looked up and we were here" we all nod and agree with him "we are being completely serious, wait here i can prove we arent from here!" I pull my phone out of my bag and open up tiktok, immediately the first thing that shows up on my for you page is an edit of homelander, I face my screen towards them and unpause it for them to see.
(Credits to the person who made this amazing edit @/pindaklein.)
Ian groans from behind me, already recognizing the audio and what video im showing and i shush him, after its done playing i turn off my phone and put it back in the bag. "So you guys believe us now? Some of those scenes are from the future" Madelyn's face drops and Homelander looks at us like we are aliens "Call the pr and management teams and you guys follow us" Madelyn speed walks back into the building, her assistants following close behind her taking down notes and calling. I look back to the group and smile, excited for whatever is about to happen and Sandra and Carla run up to me squealing "Holy shit we are actually in the boys universe!!" I giggle at how excited Sandra is and we follow Madelyn, with Homelander not too far behind us as well.
We follow her into a meeting room on some random floor i didn't quite catch and offers us to sit down. We all look at each other and slowly pull out a chair, with the exception of Izan who quickly takes a seat and pulls out his phone. I ignore him and look around, taking note of how dull everything looks, noticing homelander is staring at me. I tilt my head and he looks away, as if we weren't worth his time or attention.
I try to ignore the awkward silence until a group of people file in, rushing into their seats with papers and and writing utensils in their hands. Most of them are staring at us, the group of out of place looking young people, claiming to be from another universe. They all begin to discuss what they should do with us and whether or not to believe me, after around 20 minutes madelyn stands up and props her hand up onto her hip "Alright everyone i've decided they're staying here in vought tower. We should have enough penthouses up on the top floor, we'll figure that out though. In the meantime you guys can look around the city if you'd like" She points to us and we all get excited "Oh my god we are staying at VOUGHT tower" I hear sandra beam besides me and carla chimes in "In NEW YORK" they both squeal and the boys cheer, high fiving each other.
One of her assistants escort us out the building and hand us a card "This contains 500 dollars for you guys to spend today, you should be expecting more pay soon though since you guys will be working for vought once youre settled in!" I take the card and smile at her "yeah thanks, do you guys want our phone numbers in case we get lost?" she looks up in thought then nods, holding out her tablet for us to type in all our numbers. "You all have fun, i'd reccomend vought-a-burger if youre hungry!" she waves us a goodbye and scurries back to do her job.
"Alright someone whip out google and find something to do in the area" Jack and J-boss take out their phones and jack finds something "alright so apparently-" a woosh cuts him off and startles us all, we turn to see homelander, he gives us another of his signature fake smiles and walks up besides me. "I figured since you're all new to this universe and are going to be living in vought tower with me and the seven I should get to know you all!" he laughs unsettlingly and we all look at each other nervously "Thank you, Homelander" i reply. An awkward silence ensues and he begins to walk, then looks back at us as if saying to follow him.
Im so sorry this took forever, i had this in my drafts for like 2 weeks i thought i already posted it, im new to posting stuff on tumblr 😭🙏🏾
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